using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.XR; //using UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Input; namespace Autohand.Demo { [HelpURL("")] public class OpenXRHandControllerLink : HandControllerLink { public InputActionProperty grabAxis; public InputActionProperty squeezeAxis; public InputActionProperty grabAction; public InputActionProperty releaseAction; public InputActionProperty squeezeAction; public InputActionProperty stopSqueezeAction; public InputActionProperty hapticAction; private bool squeezing; private bool grabbing; private void Start() { if(hand.left) handLeft = this; else handRight = this; } public void OnEnable(){ if (grabAction == squeezeAction){ Debug.LogError("AUTOHAND: You are using the same button for grab and squeeze on HAND CONTROLLER LINK, this will create conflict or errors", this); } if(grabAxis.action != null) grabAxis.action.Enable(); if(squeezeAxis.action != null) squeezeAxis.action.Enable(); if(hapticAction.action != null) hapticAction.action.Enable(); if(grabAction.action != null) grabAction.action.performed += Grab; if (grabAction.action != null) grabAction.action.Enable(); if (grabAction.action != null) grabAction.action.performed += Grab; if (releaseAction.action != null) releaseAction.action.Enable(); if (releaseAction.action != null) releaseAction.action.performed += Release; if (squeezeAction.action != null) squeezeAction.action.Enable(); if (squeezeAction.action != null) squeezeAction.action.performed += Squeeze; if (stopSqueezeAction.action != null) stopSqueezeAction.action.Enable(); if (stopSqueezeAction.action != null) stopSqueezeAction.action.performed += StopSqueeze; } private void OnDisable(){ if (grabAction.action != null) grabAction.action.performed -= Grab; if (releaseAction.action != null) releaseAction.action.performed -= Release; if (squeezeAction.action != null) squeezeAction.action.performed -= Squeeze; if (stopSqueezeAction.action != null) stopSqueezeAction.action.performed -= StopSqueeze; } private void Update() { hand.SetGrip(grabAxis.action.ReadValue(), squeezeAxis.action.ReadValue()); } private void Grab(InputAction.CallbackContext grab){ if (!grabbing){ hand.Grab(); grabbing = true; } } private void Release(InputAction.CallbackContext grab){ if (grabbing){ hand.Release(); grabbing = false; } } private void Squeeze(InputAction.CallbackContext grab){ if (!squeezing){ hand.Squeeze(); squeezing = true; } } private void StopSqueeze(InputAction.CallbackContext grab){ if (squeezing){ hand.Unsqueeze(); squeezing = false; } } public override void TryHapticImpulse(float duration, float amp, float freq = 10) { //OpenXRInput.SendHapticImpulse(hapticAction.action, amp, duration, hand.left ? UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.XRController.leftHand : UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.XRController.rightHand); base.TryHapticImpulse(duration, amp, freq); } } }