using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Autohand { [HelpURL("")] public class Stickable : MonoBehaviour{ [Header("Sticky Settings")] public Rigidbody body; [Tooltip("How strong the joint is between the stickable and this")] public float stickStrength = 1; [Tooltip("Multiplyer for required stick speed to activate")] public float stickSpeedMultiplyer = 1; [Tooltip("This index must match the sticky object to stick")] public int stickIndex = 0; [Header("Event")] public UnityEvent OnStick; public UnityEvent EndStick; Sticky stickSource; private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if(!body && GetComponent()) body = GetComponent(); } public void Stick(Sticky source) { stickSource = source; OnStick?.Invoke(); } public void Unstick(Sticky source) { stickSource = null; EndStick?.Invoke(); } public void ForceReleaseStick() { stickSource?.ForceRelease(this); } } }