using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Autohand{ [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody)), DefaultExecutionOrder(-1)] public class PhysicsFollower : MonoBehaviour{ [Header("Follow Settings"), Space] [Tooltip("Follow target, the hand will always try to match this transforms rotation and position with rigidbody movements")] public Transform follow; [Tooltip("Stops hand physics follow - to freeze from all forces change rigidbody to kinematic or change rigidbody constraints")] public bool freezePos = false; [Tooltip("Stops hand physics follow - to freeze from all forces change rigidbody to kinematic or change rigidbody constraints")] public bool freezeRot = false; [Tooltip("This will offset the position without offsetting the rotation pivot")] public Vector3 followPositionOffset; public Vector3 rotationOffset; [Tooltip("Follow target speed (This will cause jittering if turned too high)"), Min(0)] public float followPositionStrength = 30; [Tooltip("Follow target rotation speed (This will cause jittering if turned too high)"), Min(0)] public float followRotationStrength = 30; [Tooltip("The maximum allowed velocity of the hand"), Min(0)] public float maxVelocity = 5; internal Rigidbody body; Transform moveTo; public void Start() { Set(); } public virtual void Set() { if(moveTo == null){ moveTo = new GameObject().transform; = + " FOLLOW POINT"; moveTo.parent = follow.parent; moveTo.position = follow.transform.position; moveTo.rotation = follow.transform.rotation; body = GetComponent(); } } public void Update() { OnUpdate(); } protected virtual void OnUpdate() { if(follow == null) return; //Sets [Move To] Object moveTo.position = follow.position + transform.rotation*followPositionOffset; moveTo.rotation = follow.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(rotationOffset); } public void FixedUpdate() { OnFixedUpdate(); } protected virtual void OnFixedUpdate() { if(follow == null) return; //Sets [Move To] Object moveTo.position = follow.position + transform.rotation*followPositionOffset; moveTo.rotation = follow.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(rotationOffset); //Calls physics movements if(!freezePos) MoveTo(); if(!freezeRot) TorqueTo(); } /// Moves the hand to the controller position using physics movement internal virtual void MoveTo() { if(followPositionStrength <= 0) return; var movePos = moveTo.position; var distance = Vector3.Distance(movePos, transform.position); var velocityClamp = maxVelocity; //Sets velocity linearly based on distance from hand var vel = (movePos - transform.position).normalized * followPositionStrength * distance; vel.x = Mathf.Clamp(vel.x, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); vel.y = Mathf.Clamp(vel.y, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); vel.z = Mathf.Clamp(vel.z, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); body.velocity = vel; } /// Rotates the hand to the controller rotation using physics movement internal virtual void TorqueTo() { var toRot = moveTo.rotation; float angleDist = Quaternion.Angle(body.rotation, toRot); Quaternion desiredRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(body.rotation, toRot, Mathf.Clamp(angleDist, 0, 2) / 4f); var kp = 90f * followRotationStrength; var kd = 60f; Vector3 x; float xMag; Quaternion q = desiredRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation); q.ToAngleAxis(out xMag, out x); x.Normalize(); x *= Mathf.Deg2Rad; Vector3 pidv = kp * x * xMag - kd * body.angularVelocity; Quaternion rotInertia2World = body.inertiaTensorRotation * transform.rotation; pidv = Quaternion.Inverse(rotInertia2World) * pidv; pidv.Scale(body.inertiaTensor); pidv = rotInertia2World * pidv; body.AddTorque(pidv); } private void OnDestroy() { Destroy(moveTo.gameObject); } } }