using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Autohand.Demo{ public delegate void SmashEvent(Smasher smasher, Smash smashable); [HelpURL("")] public class Smasher : MonoBehaviour{ public Rigidbody rb; [Header("Options")] public LayerMask smashableLayers; [Tooltip("How much to multiply the magnitude on smash")] public float forceMulti = 1; [Tooltip("Can be left empty - The center of mass point to calculate velocity magnitude - for example: the camera of the hammer is a better point vs the pivot center of the hammer object")] public Transform centerOfMassPoint; [Header("Event")] public UnityEvent OnSmash; //Progammer Events <3 public SmashEvent OnSmashEvent; Vector3[] velocityOverTime = new Vector3[3]; Vector3 lastPos; private void Start(){ if(rb == null) rb = GetComponent(); if(smashableLayers == 0) smashableLayers = LayerMask.GetMask(Hand.grabbableLayerNameDefault); OnSmashEvent += (smasher, smashable) => { OnSmash?.Invoke(); }; } void FixedUpdate() { for(int i = 1; i < velocityOverTime.Length; i++) { velocityOverTime[i] = velocityOverTime[i-1]; } velocityOverTime[0] = lastPos - (centerOfMassPoint ? centerOfMassPoint.position : rb.position); lastPos = centerOfMassPoint ? centerOfMassPoint.position : rb.position; } private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { Smash smash; if(collision.transform.CanGetComponent(out smash)){ if(GetMagnitude() >= smash.smashForce){ smash.DoSmash(); OnSmashEvent?.Invoke(this, smash); } } } float GetMagnitude() { Vector3 velocity =; for(int i = 0; i < velocityOverTime.Length; i++) { velocity += velocityOverTime[i]; } return (velocity.magnitude/velocityOverTime.Length)*forceMulti*10; } } }