using Autohand; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; namespace Autohand { public static class AutoHandExtensions { static Transform _transformRuler = null; //This is a "ruler" tool used to help calculate parent child calculations without doing parenting/childing public static Transform transformRuler { get { if(_transformRuler == null) _transformRuler = new GameObject() { name = "Ruler" }.transform; if (_transformRuler.parent != transformParent) _transformRuler.parent = transformParent; if (_transformRuler.localScale != _transformRuler.localScale =; if (IsPositionNan(_transformRuler.position)) _transformRuler.position =; if (IsRotationNan(_transformRuler.rotation)) _transformRuler.rotation = Quaternion.identity; return _transformRuler; } } static Transform _transformRulerChild = null; //This is a "ruler" tool used to help calculate parent child calculations without doing parenting/childing public static Transform transformRulerChild { get { if (_transformRulerChild == null) { _transformRulerChild = new GameObject() { name = "RulerChild" }.transform; _transformRulerChild.parent = _transformRuler; } if (_transformRulerChild.parent != _transformRuler) _transformRulerChild.parent = _transformRuler; if (_transformRulerChild.localScale != _transformRulerChild.localScale =; if (IsPositionNan(_transformRulerChild.position)) _transformRulerChild.position =; if (IsRotationNan(_transformRulerChild.rotation)) _transformRulerChild.rotation = Quaternion.identity; return _transformRulerChild; } } static bool IsPositionNan(Vector3 pos) { return float.IsNaN(pos.x) || float.IsNaN(pos.y) || float.IsNaN(pos.z); } static bool IsRotationNan(Quaternion rot) { return float.IsNaN(rot.x) || float.IsNaN(rot.y) || float.IsNaN(rot.z) || float.IsNaN(rot.w); } static Transform _transformParent = null; // Holds all the Auto Hand Generated GameObjects public static Transform transformParent { get { if(Application.isEditor) return null; if(_transformParent == null) _transformParent = new GameObject() { name="Auto Hand Generated" }.transform; return _transformParent; } } public static void RotateAround(this Transform target, Transform center, Quaternion deltaRotation) { transformRuler.SetPositionAndRotation(center.position, center.rotation); transformRulerChild.SetPositionAndRotation(target.position, target.rotation); transformRuler.rotation *= deltaRotation; target.SetPositionAndRotation(transformRulerChild.position, transformRulerChild.rotation); } public static float Round(this float value, int digits) { float mult = Mathf.Pow(10.0f, (float)digits); return Mathf.Round(value * mult) / mult; } /// Returns true if there is a grabbable or link, out null if there is none public static bool HasGrabbable(this Hand hand, GameObject obj, out Grabbable grabbable) { return HasGrabbable(obj, out grabbable); } /// Returns true if there is a grabbable or link, out null if there is none public static bool HasGrabbable(this GameObject obj, out Grabbable grabbable, bool includeDisabled = false) { if (obj == null) { grabbable = null; return false; } if(obj.CanGetComponent(out IGrabbableEvents grabbableEvents)) { if(grabbableEvents.GetGrabbable() != null && (includeDisabled || grabbableEvents.GetGrabbable().enabled)) { grabbable = grabbableEvents.GetGrabbable(); return true; } } if (obj.CanGetComponent(out grabbable) && (includeDisabled || grabbable.enabled)) { return true; } GrabbableChild grabChild; if (obj.CanGetComponent(out grabChild) && (includeDisabled || grabChild.grabParent.enabled)) { grabbable = grabChild.grabParent; return true; } grabbable = null; return false; } public static T GetCopyOf(this Component comp, T other) where T : Component{ Type type = comp.GetType(); if (type != other.GetType()) return null; // type mis-match BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; PropertyInfo[] pinfos = type.GetProperties(flags); foreach (var pinfo in pinfos) { if (pinfo.CanWrite) { try { pinfo.SetValue(comp, pinfo.GetValue(other, null), null); } catch { } // In case of NotImplementedException being thrown. For some reason specifying that exception didn't seem to catch it, so I didn't catch anything specific. } } FieldInfo[] finfos = type.GetFields(flags); foreach (var finfo in finfos) { finfo.SetValue(comp, finfo.GetValue(other)); } return comp as T; } /// Autohand extension method, used so I can use TryGetComponent for newer versions and GetComponent for older versions public static bool CanGetComponent(this Component componentClass, out T component) { #if UNITY_2019_1 || UNITY_2018 || UNITY_2017 var tempComponent = componentClass.GetComponent(); if(tempComponent != null){ component = tempComponent; return true; } else { component = tempComponent; return false; } #else var value = componentClass.TryGetComponent(out component); return value; #endif } /// Autohand extension method, used so I can use TryGetComponent for newer versions and GetComponent for older versions public static bool CanGetComponent(this GameObject componentClass, out T component) { #if UNITY_2019_1 || UNITY_2018 || UNITY_2017 var tempComponent = componentClass.GetComponent(); if(tempComponent != null){ component = tempComponent; return true; } else { component = tempComponent; return false; } #else var value = componentClass.TryGetComponent(out component); return value; #endif } /// Autohand extension method, used so I can use TryGetComponent for newer versions and GetComponent for older versions public static T CanFindObjectOfType(bool includeInactive = false) where T : Component { #if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER return GameObject.FindFirstObjectByType((includeInactive ? FindObjectsInactive.Include : FindObjectsInactive.Exclude)); #elif (UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER) return GameObject.FindObjectOfType(includeInactive); #else return GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); #endif } /// Autohand extension method, used so I can use TryGetComponent for newer versions and GetComponent for older versions public static T[] CanFindObjectsOfType(bool includeInactive = false) where T : Component { #if UNITY_2023 return GameObject.FindObjectsByType((includeInactive ? FindObjectsInactive.Include : FindObjectsInactive.Exclude), FindObjectsSortMode.None); #elif (UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER) return GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(includeInactive); #else return GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(); #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR public static void TextDebug(this Vector3 vector3, string name = "") { Debug.Log(name + ": " + vector3.x + ", " + vector3.y + ", " + vector3.z); } public static GUIStyle LabelStyle(TextAnchor textAnchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, int fontSize = 13) { var style = new GUIStyle(; style.font = (Font)Resources.Load("Righteous-Regular", typeof(Font)); style.fontSize = fontSize; style.alignment = textAnchor; style.fontStyle = fontStyle; return style; } public static GUIStyle LabelStyle(Color textColor, TextAnchor textAnchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, int fontSize = 13) { var style = new GUIStyle(; style.font = (Font)Resources.Load("Righteous-Regular", typeof(Font)); style.fontSize = fontSize; style.alignment = textAnchor; style.fontStyle = fontStyle; style.normal.textColor = textColor; return style; } public static GUIStyle LabelStyleB(Color textColor, TextAnchor textAnchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, int fontSize = 13) { var style = new GUIStyle(; style.font = (Font)Resources.Load("Righteous-Regular", typeof(Font)); style.fontSize = fontSize; style.alignment = textAnchor; style.fontStyle = fontStyle; style.normal.textColor = textColor; return style; } #endif public static LayerMask GetPhysicsLayerMask(int currentLayer) { int finalMask = 0; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { if (!Physics.GetIgnoreLayerCollision(currentLayer, i)) finalMask = finalMask | (1 << i); } return finalMask; } public static void AddTorqueAtPoint(this Rigidbody rigidbody, Vector3 torque, Vector3 point) { // Apply the torque rigidbody.AddTorque(torque, ForceMode.VelocityChange); // Calculate the force direction (perpendicular to the torque and line from center of mass to point) Vector3 forceDir = Vector3.Cross(torque, point - rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass).normalized; // Calculate the magnitude of the force Vector3 pointVelocity = rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(point); Vector3 angularVelocityContribution = Vector3.Cross(rigidbody.angularVelocity, point - rigidbody.worldCenterOfMass); float forceMagnitude = (pointVelocity - angularVelocityContribution).magnitude; // Apply the force at the point rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(forceDir * forceMagnitude, point, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } } }