using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Autohand { [DefaultExecutionOrder(999)] public class WeightlessFollower : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public Transform follow1 = null; [HideInInspector] public Transform follow2 = null; [HideInInspector] public Hand hand1 = null; [HideInInspector] public Hand hand2 = null; public Dictionary heldMoveTo = new Dictionary(); [HideInInspector] public float followPositionStrength = 30; [HideInInspector] public float followRotationStrength = 30; [HideInInspector] public float maxVelocity = 5; [HideInInspector] public Grabbable grab; Transform _pivot = null; public Transform pivot { get { if(!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) return null; if(_pivot == null) { _pivot = new GameObject().transform; _pivot.parent = transform.parent; = "WEIGHTLESS PIVOT"; } return _pivot; } } internal Rigidbody body; Transform moveTo = null; float startMass = 0; float startDrag; float startAngleDrag; float startHandMass; float startHandDrag; float startHandAngleDrag; bool useGravity; public void Start() { if(body == null) body = GetComponent(); } public virtual void Set(Hand hand, Grabbable grab) { if (body == null) body = grab.body; if(moveTo == null) { moveTo = new GameObject().transform; = + " FOLLOW POINT"; moveTo.parent = AutoHandExtensions.transformParent; } if(!heldMoveTo.ContainsKey(hand)) { heldMoveTo.Add(hand, new GameObject().transform); heldMoveTo[hand].name = "HELD FOLLOW POINT"; } var tempTransform = AutoHandExtensions.transformRuler; tempTransform.position = hand.transform.position; tempTransform.rotation = hand.transform.rotation; var tempTransformChild = AutoHandExtensions.transformRulerChild; tempTransformChild.position = grab.rootTransform.position; tempTransformChild.rotation = grab.rootTransform.rotation; if(grab.maintainGrabOffset) { tempTransform.position = hand.moveTo.position + hand.grabPositionOffset; tempTransform.rotation = hand.moveTo.rotation * hand.grabRotationOffset; } else { tempTransform.position = hand.moveTo.position; tempTransform.rotation = hand.moveTo.rotation; } heldMoveTo[hand].parent = hand.moveTo; heldMoveTo[hand].position = tempTransformChild.position; heldMoveTo[hand].rotation = tempTransformChild.rotation; if(follow1 == null) { follow1 = heldMoveTo[hand]; hand1 = hand; } else if(follow2 == null) { follow2 = heldMoveTo[hand]; hand2 = hand; pivot.parent = body.transform; pivot.position = Vector3.Lerp(hand1.handGrabPoint.position, hand2.handGrabPoint.position, 0.5f); pivot.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((hand1.handGrabPoint.position - hand2.handGrabPoint.position).normalized, Vector3.Lerp(hand1.handGrabPoint.up, hand2.handGrabPoint.up, 0.5f)); } if (startMass == 0) { startMass = body.mass; startDrag = grab.preheldDrag; startAngleDrag = grab.preheldAngularDrag; useGravity = body.useGravity; } startHandMass = hand.body.mass; startHandDrag = hand.startDrag; startHandAngleDrag = hand.startAngularDrag; body.mass = startHandMass; body.drag = startHandDrag; body.angularDrag = startHandAngleDrag; body.useGravity = false; followPositionStrength = hand.followPositionStrength; followRotationStrength = hand.followRotationStrength; maxVelocity = grab.maxHeldVelocity; this.grab = grab; hand.OnBeforeReleased += OnHandReleased; } void OnHandReleased(Hand hand, Grabbable grab){ if(heldMoveTo.ContainsKey(hand)) RemoveFollow(hand, heldMoveTo[hand]); } public virtual void FixedUpdate() { if(follow1 == null) return; MoveTo(); TorqueTo(); if(grab.HeldCount() == 0) Destroy(this); } protected void SetMoveTo() { if(follow1 == null || moveTo == null) return; if(follow2 != null) { moveTo.position = Vector3.Lerp(hand1.moveTo.position, hand2.moveTo.position, 0.5f); moveTo.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((hand1.moveTo.position - hand2.moveTo.position).normalized, Vector3.Lerp(hand1.moveTo.up, hand2.moveTo.up, 0.5f)); moveTo.position -= pivot.position - pivot.parent.transform.position; moveTo.rotation *= Quaternion.Inverse(pivot.localRotation); } else { moveTo.position = follow1.position; moveTo.rotation = follow1.rotation; } } /// Moves the hand to the controller position using physics movement protected virtual void MoveTo() { if(followPositionStrength <= 0 || moveTo == null) return; SetMoveTo(); var movePos = moveTo.position; var distance = Vector3.Distance(movePos, transform.position); distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance, 0, 0.5f); SetVelocity(0.55f); void SetVelocity(float minVelocityChange) { var velocityClamp = grab.maxHeldVelocity; Vector3 vel = (movePos - transform.position).normalized * followPositionStrength * distance; vel.x = Mathf.Clamp(vel.x, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); vel.y = Mathf.Clamp(vel.y, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); vel.z = Mathf.Clamp(vel.z, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); var deltaOffset = Time.fixedDeltaTime / 0.011111f; var inverseDeltaOffset = 0.011111f / Time.fixedDeltaTime; body.drag = startDrag * inverseDeltaOffset; var maxDelta = deltaOffset; minVelocityChange *= deltaOffset; body.velocity = new Vector3( Mathf.MoveTowards(body.velocity.x, vel.x, minVelocityChange + Mathf.Abs(body.velocity.x) * maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(body.velocity.y, vel.y, minVelocityChange + Mathf.Abs(body.velocity.y) * maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(body.velocity.z, vel.z, minVelocityChange + Mathf.Abs(body.velocity.z) * maxDelta) ); } } /// Rotates the hand to the controller rotation using physics movement protected virtual void TorqueTo() { var moveRot = moveTo.rotation; var delta = (moveRot * Quaternion.Inverse(body.rotation)); delta.ToAngleAxis(out float angle, out Vector3 axis); if(float.IsInfinity(axis.x)) return; if(angle > 180f) angle -= 360f; var multiLinear = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle * followRotationStrength; Vector3 angular = multiLinear * axis.normalized; angle = Mathf.Abs(angle); var angleStrengthOffset = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 1.5f, angle/16f); var deltaOffset = Time.fixedDeltaTime / 0.011111f; var inverseDeltaOffset = 0.011111f / Time.fixedDeltaTime; body.angularDrag = Mathf.Lerp((startAngleDrag * 1.2f), startAngleDrag, angle/4f) * inverseDeltaOffset; var maxDelta = followRotationStrength * 50f * angleStrengthOffset; body.angularVelocity = new Vector3( Mathf.MoveTowards(body.angularVelocity.x, angular.x, maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(body.angularVelocity.y, angular.y, maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(body.angularVelocity.z, angular.z, maxDelta) ); } int CollisionCount() { return grab.CollisionCount(); } public void RemoveFollow(Hand hand, Transform follow) { hand.OnReleased -= OnHandReleased; if(this.follow1 == follow) { this.follow1 = null; hand1 = null; } if(follow2 == follow) { follow2 = null; hand2 = null; } if(this.follow1 == null && follow2 != null) { this.follow1 = follow2; this.hand1 = hand2; hand2 = null; follow2 = null; } if(this.follow1 == null && follow2 == null && !grab.beingGrabbed) { if(body != null) { body.mass = startMass; body.drag = startDrag; body.angularDrag = startAngleDrag; body.useGravity = useGravity; } Destroy(this); } heldMoveTo.Remove(hand); } private void OnDestroy() { if(moveTo != null) Destroy(moveTo.gameObject); foreach(var transform in heldMoveTo) Destroy(transform.Value.gameObject); if (body != null) { body.mass = startMass; body.drag = startDrag; body.angularDrag = startAngleDrag; body.useGravity = useGravity; } } } }