using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Autohand{ [HelpURL("")] public class HandPoseArea : MonoBehaviour{ public string poseName; public int poseIndex = 0; public float transitionTime = 0.2f; [Header("Events")] public UnityHandEvent OnHandEnter = new UnityHandEvent(); public UnityHandEvent OnHandExit = new UnityHandEvent(); [HideInInspector, Tooltip("Scriptable options NOT REQUIRED (will be saved locally instead if empty) -> Create scriptable throught [Auto Hand/Custom Pose]")] public HandPoseScriptable poseScriptable; #if UNITY_EDITOR [HideInInspector] public bool showEditorTools = true; [HideInInspector, Tooltip("Used to pose for the grabbable")] public Hand editorHand; #endif [HideInInspector] public HandPoseData rightPose; [HideInInspector] public bool rightPoseSet = false; [HideInInspector] public HandPoseData leftPose; [HideInInspector] public bool leftPoseSet = false; internal HandPoseArea[] poseAreas; List posingHands = new List(); private void Start(){ poseAreas = GetComponents(); } private void OnEnable() { OnHandEnter.AddListener(HandEnter); OnHandExit.AddListener(HandExit); } private void OnDisable() { for(int i = posingHands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) posingHands[i].TryRemoveHandPoseArea(this); OnHandEnter.RemoveListener(HandEnter); OnHandExit.RemoveListener(HandExit); } void HandEnter(Hand hand) { posingHands.Add(hand); } void HandExit(Hand hand) { posingHands.Remove(hand); } public virtual HandPoseData GetHandPoseData(bool left) { if(poseScriptable != null) return (left) ? poseScriptable.leftPose : poseScriptable.rightPose; return (left) ? leftPose : rightPose; } public void SetHandPose(Hand hand) { HandPoseData pose; if(hand.left){ if(leftPoseSet) pose = leftPose; else return; } else{ if(rightPoseSet) pose = rightPose; else return; } pose.SetPose(hand, transform); } #if UNITY_EDITOR [ContextMenu("SAVE RIGHT")] public void EditorSavePoseRight() { if(editorHand != null) EditorSaveGrabPose(editorHand, false); else Debug.Log("Editor Hand must be assigned"); } [ContextMenu("SAVE LEFT")] public void EditorSavePoseLeft() { if(editorHand != null) EditorSaveGrabPose(editorHand, true); else Debug.Log("Editor Hand must be assigned"); } public void SaveScriptable(){ if (poseScriptable != null){ if (rightPoseSet) poseScriptable.SaveRightPose(rightPose); if (leftPoseSet) poseScriptable.SaveLeftPose(leftPose); } } //This is because parenting is used at runtime, but cannot be used on prefabs in editor so a copy is required public void EditorCreateCopySetPose(Hand hand, Transform relativeTo) { Hand handCopy; if( != "HAND COPY DELETE") handCopy = Instantiate(hand, relativeTo.transform.position, hand.transform.rotation); else handCopy = hand; = "HAND COPY DELETE"; var referenceHand = handCopy.gameObject.AddComponent(); referenceHand.grabbablePoseArea = this; referenceHand.grabbablePose = null; editorHand = handCopy; Selection.activeGameObject = editorHand.gameObject; SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.FrameSelected(); if(hand.left && leftPoseSet) { leftPose.SetPose(handCopy, transform); } else if(!hand.left && rightPoseSet) { rightPose.SetPose(handCopy, transform); } else { handCopy.transform.position = relativeTo.transform.position; editorHand.RelaxHand(); } var contrainer = new GameObject(); = "HAND COPY CONTAINER DELETE"; contrainer.transform.position = relativeTo.transform.position; contrainer.transform.rotation = relativeTo.transform.rotation; handCopy.transform.parent = contrainer.transform; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(handCopy); SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.FrameSelected(); } public void EditorSaveGrabPose(Hand hand, bool left){ var pose = new HandPoseData(); var posePositionsList = new List(); var poseRotationsList = new List(); var handCopy = Instantiate(hand, hand.transform.position, hand.transform.rotation); var handParent = handCopy.transform.parent; handCopy.transform.parent = transform; pose.handOffset = handCopy.transform.localPosition; pose.localQuaternionOffset = handCopy.transform.localRotation; DestroyImmediate(handCopy.gameObject); foreach(var finger in hand.fingers) { AssignChildrenPose(finger.transform); } void AssignChildrenPose(Transform obj) { AddPoint(obj.localPosition, obj.localRotation); for(int j = 0; j < obj.childCount; j++) { AssignChildrenPose(obj.GetChild(j)); } } void AddPoint(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { posePositionsList.Add(pos); poseRotationsList.Add(rot); } pose.posePositions = new Vector3[posePositionsList.Count]; pose.poseRotations = new Quaternion[posePositionsList.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < posePositionsList.Count; i++) { pose.posePositions[i] = posePositionsList[i]; pose.poseRotations[i] = poseRotationsList[i]; } if(left){ leftPose = pose; leftPoseSet = true; Debug.Log("Pose Saved - Left"); if (poseScriptable != null) if (!poseScriptable.leftSaved) poseScriptable.SaveLeftPose(leftPose); } else{ rightPose = pose; rightPoseSet = true; Debug.Log("Pose Saved - Right"); if (poseScriptable != null) if (!poseScriptable.rightSaved) poseScriptable.SaveRightPose(rightPose); } } public void EditorClearPoses() { leftPoseSet = false; rightPoseSet = false; } #endif public bool HasPose(bool left) { if(poseScriptable != null && ((left) ? poseScriptable.leftSaved : poseScriptable.rightSaved)) return (left) ? poseScriptable.leftSaved : poseScriptable.rightSaved; return left ? leftPoseSet : rightPoseSet; } } }