using NaughtyAttributes; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace Autohand { /// /// /// public enum HandMovementType { /// Movement method for Auto Hand V2 and below Legacy, /// Uses physics forces Forces } public enum HandType { both, right, left, none } public enum GrabType { /// On grab, hand will move to the grabbable, create grab connection, then return to follow position HandToGrabbable, /// On grab, grabbable will move to the hand, then create grab connection GrabbableToHand, /// On grab, grabbable instantly travel to the hand InstantGrab } [Serializable] public struct VelocityTimePair { public float time; public Vector3 velocity; } public delegate void HandGrabEvent(Hand hand, Grabbable grabbable); public delegate void HandGameObjectEvent(Hand hand, GameObject other); [Serializable] public class UnityHandGrabEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class UnityHandEvent : UnityEvent { } [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody)), DefaultExecutionOrder(10)] /// This is the base of the Auto Hand hand class, used for organizational purposes public class HandBase : MonoBehaviour { [AutoHeader("AUTO HAND")] public bool ignoreMe; public Finger[] fingers; [Tooltip("An empty GameObject that should be placed on the surface of the center of the palm")] public Transform palmTransform; [FormerlySerializedAs("isLeft")] [Tooltip("Whether this is the left (on) or right (off) hand")] public bool left = false; [Space] [Tooltip("Maximum distance for pickup"), Min(0.01f)] public float reachDistance = 0.3f; [AutoToggleHeader("Enable Movement", 0, 0, tooltip = "Whether or not to enable the hand's Rigidbody Physics movement")] public bool enableMovement = true; [EnableIf("enableMovement"), Tooltip("Follow target, the hand will always try to match this transforms position with rigidbody movements")] public Transform follow; [EnableIf("enableMovement"), Tooltip("Returns hand to the target after this distance [helps just in case it gets stuck]"), Min(0)] public float maxFollowDistance = 0.5f; [EnableIf("enableMovement"), Tooltip("Amplifier for applied velocity on released object"), Min(0)] public float throwPower = 1f; [Tooltip("Speed at which the gentle grab returns the grabbable"), Min(0)] [FormerlySerializedAs("smoothReturnSpeed")] public float gentleGrabSpeed = 1; [HideInInspector] public bool advancedFollowSettings = true; [AutoToggleHeader("Enable Auto Posing", 0, 0, tooltip = "Auto Posing will override Unity Animations -- This will disable all the Auto Hand IK, including animations from: finger sway, pose areas, finger bender scripts (runtime Auto Posing will still work)")] [Tooltip("Turn this on when you want to animate the hand or use other IK Drivers")] public bool enableIK = true; [EnableIf("enableIK"), Tooltip("How much the fingers sway from the velocity")] public float swayStrength = 0.7f; [EnableIf("enableIK"), Tooltip("This will offset each fingers bend (0 is no bend, 1 is full bend)")] public float gripOffset = 0.1f; //HIDDEN ADVANCED SETTINGS [NonSerialized, Tooltip("The maximum allowed velocity of the hand"), Min(0)] public float maxVelocity = 12f; [NonSerialized, Tooltip("Follow target speed (Can cause jittering if turned too high - recommend increasing drag with speed)"), Min(0)] public float followPositionStrength = 60; [HideInInspector, NonSerialized] public float startDrag = 12; [HideInInspector, NonSerialized, Tooltip("Follow target rotation speed (Can cause jittering if turned too high - recommend increasing angular drag with speed)"), Min(0)] public float followRotationStrength = 150; [HideInInspector, NonSerialized] public float startAngularDrag = 60; [HideInInspector, NonSerialized, Tooltip("After this many seconds velocity data within a 'throw window' will be tossed out. (This allows you to get only use acceeleration data from the last 'x' seconds of the throw.)")] public float throwVelocityExpireTime = 0.125f; [HideInInspector, NonSerialized, Tooltip("After this many seconds velocity data within a 'throw window' will be tossed out. (This allows you to get only use acceeleration data from the last 'x' seconds of the throw.)")] public float throwAngularVelocityExpireTime = 0.25f; [HideInInspector, NonSerialized, Tooltip("Increase for closer finger tip results / Decrease for less physics checks - The number of steps the fingers take when bending to grab something")] public int fingerBendSteps = 40; [HideInInspector] public bool usingPoseAreas = true; [HideInInspector] public QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore; Grabbable HoldingObj = null; public Grabbable holdingObj { get { return HoldingObj; } internal set { HoldingObj = value; } } Grabbable _lookingAtObj = null; public Grabbable lookingAtObj { get { return _lookingAtObj; } protected set { _lookingAtObj = value; } } Transform _moveTo = null; public Transform moveTo { get { if(!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) return null; if(_moveTo == null) { _moveTo = new GameObject().transform; _moveTo.parent = transform.parent; = "HAND FOLLOW POINT"; } return _moveTo; } } Rigidbody _body; public Rigidbody body { get{ if(_body == null) _body = GetComponent(); return _body; } internal set { _body = body; } } Vector3 _grabPositionOffset =; public Vector3 grabPositionOffset { get { return _grabPositionOffset; } internal set { _grabPositionOffset = value; } } Quaternion _grabRotationOffset = Quaternion.identity; public Quaternion grabRotationOffset { get { return _grabRotationOffset; } internal set { _grabRotationOffset = value; } } public bool disableIK { get { return !enableIK; } set { enableIK = !value; } } private CollisionTracker _collisionTracker; public CollisionTracker collisionTracker { get { if(_collisionTracker == null) _collisionTracker = gameObject.AddComponent(); return _collisionTracker; } protected set { if(_collisionTracker != null) Destroy(_collisionTracker); _collisionTracker = value; } } protected GrabbablePose _currentHeldPose; public GrabbablePose currentHeldPose { get { return _currentHeldPose; } protected set { if(value == null && _currentHeldPose != null) _currentHeldPose.CancelHandPose(this as Hand); _currentHeldPose = value; } } [HideInInspector, NonSerialized] public ConfigurableJoint heldJoint; public bool grabbing { get; protected set; } public bool squeezing { get; protected set; } public HandPoseArea handPoseArea { get; protected set; } public Vector3 lastAngularVelocity { get; protected set; } public Vector3 lastVelocity { get; protected set; } protected float gripAxis; protected float squeezeAxis; protected Coroutine handAnimateRoutine; protected HandPoseData preHandPoseAreaPose; internal List handColliders = new List(); Transform _handGrabPoint; internal Transform handGrabPoint { get { if(_handGrabPoint == null && gameObject.scene.isLoaded) { _handGrabPoint = new GameObject().transform; = "grabPoint"; } return _handGrabPoint; } } Transform _localGrabbablePoint; internal Transform localGrabbablePoint { get { if(!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) _localGrabbablePoint = null; else if(gameObject.activeInHierarchy && _localGrabbablePoint == null) { _localGrabbablePoint = new GameObject().transform; = "grabPosition"; _localGrabbablePoint.parent = transform; } return _localGrabbablePoint; } } BoxCollider _handEncapsulationCollider; internal BoxCollider handEncapsulationBox { get { if(!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) _handEncapsulationCollider = null; else if(gameObject.activeInHierarchy && _handEncapsulationCollider == null) { _handEncapsulationCollider = new GameObject().AddComponent(); = "handEncapsulationBox"; _handEncapsulationCollider.transform.parent = transform; _handEncapsulationCollider.transform.localPosition =; _handEncapsulationCollider.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; _handEncapsulationCollider.transform.localScale =; _handEncapsulationCollider.isTrigger = true; _handEncapsulationCollider.enabled = false; } return _handEncapsulationCollider; } } internal int handLayers; internal int handIgnoreCollisionLayers; protected Collider palmCollider; protected RaycastHit highlightHit; protected RaycastHit grabbingHit; protected HandVelocityTracker velocityTracker; protected Transform palmChild; protected Vector3 lastFrameFollowPos; protected Quaternion lastFrameFollowRot; protected bool ignoreMoveFrame; protected Vector3 followVel; protected Vector3 followAngularVel; internal bool allowUpdateMovement = true; protected Vector3[] updatePositionTracked = new Vector3[3]; protected List closestHits = new List(); protected List closestGrabs = new List(); protected int tryMaxDistanceCount; protected Vector3 lastFollowPosition; protected Vector3 lastFollowRotation; protected int noCollisionFrames = 0; protected int collisionFrames = 0; protected bool prerendered = false; protected Vector3 preRenderPos; protected Quaternion preRenderRot; protected float currGrip = 1f; protected bool usingDynamicTimestep; protected virtual void Awake() { body = GetComponent(); body.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None; body.useGravity = false; body.solverIterations = 100; body.solverVelocityIterations = 100; if(palmCollider == null) { palmCollider = palmTransform.gameObject.AddComponent(); (palmCollider as BoxCollider).size = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.15f, 0.05f); (palmCollider as BoxCollider).center = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.025f); palmCollider.enabled = false; } if(palmChild == null) { palmChild = new GameObject().transform; palmChild.parent = palmTransform; } var cams = AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectsOfType(true); foreach(var cam in cams) { if(cam.targetDisplay == 0) { bool found = false; var handStabilizers = cam.gameObject.GetComponents(); foreach(var handStabilizer in handStabilizers) { if(handStabilizer.hand == this) found = true; } if(!found) cam.gameObject.AddComponent().hand = this; } } if(velocityTracker == null) velocityTracker = new HandVelocityTracker(this); usingDynamicTimestep = AutoHandSettings.UsingDynamicTimestep(); if(usingDynamicTimestep) { if(AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectOfType() == null) { new GameObject() { name = "DynamicFixedTimeSetter" }.AddComponent(); Debug.Log("AUTO HAND: Creating Dynamic Timestepper"); } } //Update the hand encapsulation sphere var bounds = new Bounds(,; foreach(var finger in fingers) { var fingerJoints = finger.FingerJoints; for(int i = 0; i < fingerJoints.Length; i++) bounds.Encapsulate(transform.InverseTransformPoint(fingerJoints[i].position)); bounds.Encapsulate(transform.InverseTransformPoint(finger.tip.position + (finger.tip.position - transform.position)*finger.tipRadius)); } bounds.Encapsulate(transform.InverseTransformPoint(palmTransform.position + palmTransform.forward*0.01f)); bounds.Encapsulate(transform.InverseTransformPoint(palmTransform.position - palmTransform.forward*0.01f)); =; handEncapsulationBox.size = bounds.size; handEncapsulationBox.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Hand"); } protected virtual void OnEnable() { SetHandCollidersRecursive(transform); } protected virtual void OnDisable() { handColliders.Clear(); } protected virtual void OnDestroy() { if(handGrabPoint != null) Destroy(handGrabPoint.gameObject); if(localGrabbablePoint != null) Destroy(localGrabbablePoint.gameObject); if(moveTo != null) Destroy(moveTo.gameObject); } protected virtual void FixedUpdate(){ if(follow != null) { followVel = follow.position - lastFollowPosition; followAngularVel = follow.rotation.eulerAngles - lastFollowRotation; lastFollowPosition = follow.position; lastFollowRotation = follow.rotation.eulerAngles; } if (!IsGrabbing() && enableMovement && follow != null && !body.isKinematic) { MoveTo(Time.fixedDeltaTime); TorqueTo(Time.fixedDeltaTime); } velocityTracker.UpdateThrowing(); if(ignoreMoveFrame){ body.velocity =; body.angularVelocity =; } ignoreMoveFrame = false; if(CollisionCount() > 0) { noCollisionFrames = 0; collisionFrames++; } else { noCollisionFrames++; collisionFrames = 0; } if(holdingObj != null) holdingObj.HeldFixedUpdate(); for(int i = 1; i < updatePositionTracked.Length; i++) updatePositionTracked[i] = updatePositionTracked[i - 1]; updatePositionTracked[0] = transform.localPosition; //Update the finger sway if(!IsGrabbing()) UpdateFingers(Time.fixedDeltaTime); } protected virtual void Update(){ SetMoveTo(); } //This is used to force the hand to always look like its where it should be even when physics is being weird public virtual void OnPreRender(){ preRenderPos = transform.position; preRenderRot = transform.rotation; //Hides fixed joint jitterings if(!prerendered && holdingObj != null && holdingObj.customGrabJoint == null && !IsGrabbing()) { transform.position = handGrabPoint.position; transform.rotation = handGrabPoint.rotation; prerendered = true; } } //This puts everything where it should be for the physics update public virtual void OnPostRender(){ //Returns position after hiding for camera if(prerendered && holdingObj != null && holdingObj.customGrabJoint == null && !IsGrabbing()) { transform.position = preRenderPos; transform.rotation = preRenderRot; } prerendered = false; } /// Creates Joints between hand and grabbable, does not call grab events protected virtual void CreateJoint(Grabbable grab) { CreateJoint(grab, grab.jointBreakForce, float.PositiveInfinity); } /// Creates Joints between hand and grabbable, does not call grab events protected virtual void CreateJoint(Grabbable grab, float breakForce, float breakTorque){ if(grab.customGrabJoint == null){ var jointCopy = (Resources.Load("DefaultJoint")); var newJoint = gameObject.AddComponent().GetCopyOf(jointCopy); newJoint.anchor =; newJoint.breakForce = breakForce; if(grab.HeldCount() == 1) newJoint.breakForce += 500; newJoint.breakTorque = breakTorque; newJoint.connectedBody = grab.body; newJoint.enablePreprocessing = jointCopy.enablePreprocessing; newJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false; newJoint.connectedAnchor = grab.body.transform.InverseTransformPoint(handGrabPoint.position); newJoint.angularXMotion = jointCopy.angularXMotion; newJoint.angularYMotion = jointCopy.angularYMotion; newJoint.angularZMotion = jointCopy.angularZMotion; heldJoint = newJoint; } else { var newJoint = grab.body.gameObject.AddComponent().GetCopyOf(grab.customGrabJoint); newJoint.anchor =; if(grab.HeldCount() == 1) newJoint.breakForce += 500; newJoint.breakForce = breakForce; newJoint.breakTorque = breakTorque; newJoint.connectedBody = body; newJoint.enablePreprocessing = grab.customGrabJoint.enablePreprocessing; newJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false; newJoint.connectedAnchor = grab.body.transform.InverseTransformPoint(handGrabPoint.position); newJoint.angularXMotion = grab.customGrabJoint.angularXMotion; newJoint.angularYMotion = grab.customGrabJoint.angularYMotion; newJoint.angularZMotion = grab.customGrabJoint.angularZMotion; heldJoint = newJoint; } } float lastMoveToDistance = float.MaxValue; //====================== MOVEMENT ======================= //======================================================== //======================================================== /// Moves the hand to the controller rotation using physics movement protected virtual void MoveTo(float deltaTime) { SetMoveTo(); if(followPositionStrength <= 0) return; var movePos = moveTo.position; var distance = Vector3.Distance(movePos, transform.position); if(lastMoveToDistance != distance) { lastMoveToDistance = distance; //Returns if out of distance, if you aren't holding anything if(distance > maxFollowDistance) { if(holdingObj != null) { if(holdingObj.parentOnGrab && tryMaxDistanceCount < 1) { SetHandLocation(movePos, transform.rotation); tryMaxDistanceCount += 2; } else if(!holdingObj.parentOnGrab || tryMaxDistanceCount >= 1) { holdingObj.ForceHandRelease(this as Hand); SetHandLocation(movePos, transform.rotation); } } else { SetHandLocation(movePos, transform.rotation); } } if(tryMaxDistanceCount > 0) tryMaxDistanceCount--; distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance, 0, 0.5f); SetVelocity(0.5f); void SetVelocity(float minVelocityChange) { var velocityClamp = holdingObj != null ? holdingObj.maxHeldVelocity : maxVelocity; Vector3 vel = (movePos - transform.position).normalized * followPositionStrength * distance; vel.x = Mathf.Clamp(vel.x, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); vel.y = Mathf.Clamp(vel.y, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); vel.z = Mathf.Clamp(vel.z, -velocityClamp, velocityClamp); var deltaOffset = Time.fixedDeltaTime / 0.011111f; var inverseDeltaOffset = 0.011111f / Time.fixedDeltaTime; var currentVelocity = body.velocity; body.drag = startDrag * inverseDeltaOffset; var maxDelta = deltaOffset; minVelocityChange *= deltaOffset; var towardsVel = new Vector3( Mathf.MoveTowards(currentVelocity.x, vel.x, minVelocityChange + Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.x) * maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(currentVelocity.y, vel.y, minVelocityChange + Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.y) * maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(currentVelocity.z, vel.z, minVelocityChange + Mathf.Abs(currentVelocity.z) * maxDelta) ); body.velocity = towardsVel; lastVelocity = body.velocity; } } } /// Rotates the hand to the controller rotation using physics movement protected virtual void TorqueTo(float deltaTime) { var delta = (moveTo.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(body.rotation)); delta.ToAngleAxis(out float angle, out Vector3 axis); if (float.IsInfinity(axis.x)) return; if(angle > 180f) angle -= 360f; var multiLinear = Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle * followRotationStrength; Vector3 angular = multiLinear * axis.normalized; angle = Mathf.Abs(angle); var angleStrengthOffset = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 1.5f, angle/16f); var inverseDeltaOffset = 0.011111f / Time.fixedDeltaTime; var maxDelta = followRotationStrength * 50f * angleStrengthOffset; var currentAngleVelocity = body.angularVelocity; body.angularDrag = Mathf.Lerp((startAngularDrag * 1.2f), startAngularDrag, angle/4f) * inverseDeltaOffset; body.angularVelocity = new Vector3( Mathf.MoveTowards(currentAngleVelocity.x, angular.x, maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(currentAngleVelocity.y, angular.y, maxDelta), Mathf.MoveTowards(currentAngleVelocity.z, angular.z, maxDelta) ); lastAngularVelocity = body.angularVelocity; } ///Moves the hand and whatever it might be holding (if teleport allowed) to given pos/rot public virtual void SetHandLocation(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { if(holdingObj && holdingObj.parentOnGrab) { if (!IsGrabbing()) { ignoreMoveFrame = true; if(holdingObj.HeldCount() > 1) { pos += transform.position - moveTo.position; rot *= (Quaternion.Inverse(moveTo.rotation)* transform.rotation); } var handRuler = AutoHandExtensions.transformRuler; handRuler.position = transform.position; handRuler.rotation = transform.rotation; var grabRuler = AutoHandExtensions.transformRulerChild; grabRuler.position = holdingObj.body.transform.position; grabRuler.rotation = holdingObj.body.transform.rotation; handRuler.position = pos; handRuler.rotation = rot; var deltaHandRot = rot * Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation); var deltaGrabPos = grabRuler.position - holdingObj.body.transform.position; var deltaGrabRot = Quaternion.Inverse(grabRuler.rotation) * holdingObj.body.transform.rotation; transform.position = handRuler.position; transform.rotation = handRuler.rotation; body.position = handRuler.position; body.rotation = handRuler.rotation; holdingObj.body.transform.position = grabRuler.position; holdingObj.body.transform.rotation = grabRuler.rotation; holdingObj.body.position = grabRuler.position; holdingObj.body.rotation = grabRuler.rotation; body.velocity = deltaHandRot * body.velocity; body.angularVelocity = deltaHandRot * body.angularVelocity; grabPositionOffset = deltaGrabRot * grabPositionOffset; foreach(var jointed in holdingObj.jointedBodies) if(!(jointed.CanGetComponent(out Grabbable grab) && grab.HeldCount() > 0)) { jointed.position += deltaGrabPos; jointed.transform.RotateAround(holdingObj.body.transform, deltaGrabRot); } velocityTracker.ClearThrow(); } } else { ignoreMoveFrame = true; transform.position = pos; transform.rotation = rot; body.position = pos; body.rotation = rot; body.velocity =; body.angularVelocity =; } SetMoveTo(); } ///Moves the hand and keeps the local rotation public virtual void SetHandLocation(Vector3 pos) { SetMoveTo(); SetHandLocation(pos, transform.rotation); } /// Resets the hand location to the follow public void ResetHandLocation() { SetHandLocation(moveTo.position, moveTo.rotation); } /// Updates the target used to calculate velocity / movements towards follow public void SetMoveTo(bool ignoreHeld = false) { if(follow == null) return; //Sets [Move To] Object moveTo.position = follow.position + grabPositionOffset; moveTo.rotation = follow.rotation * grabRotationOffset; //Adjust the [Move To] based on offsets if(holdingObj != null) { if(left) { var leftRot = -holdingObj.heldRotationOffset; leftRot.x *= -1; moveTo.localRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(leftRot); var moveLeft = holdingObj.heldPositionOffset; moveLeft.x *= -1; moveTo.position += transform.rotation * moveLeft; } else { moveTo.position += transform.rotation * holdingObj.heldPositionOffset; moveTo.localRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(holdingObj.heldRotationOffset); } } //This is a forumla to help stabilize an object when held by multiple hands //It's more art than science, but it works well enough if(holdingObj != null && holdingObj.HeldCount() > 0 && !ignoreHeld) { var deltaOffset = 0.011111f/Time.fixedDeltaTime; var heldBy = holdingObj.rootGrabbable.GetHeldBy(true, true); for(int i = 0; i < heldBy.Count; i++) { //If the grabbable is held by another hand, we want to move towards that hand when its being pulled away to reduce jitter if(heldBy[i] != this && holdingObj.rootGrabbable.moveTos.ContainsKey(heldBy[i])) { var otherHandOffset = holdingObj.rootGrabbable.moveTos[heldBy[i]]; var targetDistance = Mathf.Lerp(1f + 0.5f * deltaOffset, 1f + 0.05f * deltaOffset, otherHandOffset.magnitude*4); var massOffset = heldBy[i].body.mass/body.mass; moveTo.position += (otherHandOffset / targetDistance) * massOffset; } } } } /// Whether or not this hand can grab the grabbbale based on hand and grabbable settings public bool CanGrab(Grabbable grab) { var cantHandSwap = (grab.IsHeld() && grab.singleHandOnly && !grab.allowHeldSwapping); return (grab.CanGrab(this) && !IsGrabbing() && !cantHandSwap); } public float GetTriggerAxis() { return gripAxis; } Collider[] handHighlightNonAlloc = new Collider[128]; /// Finds the closest raycast from a cone of rays -> Returns average direction of all hits protected virtual Vector3 HandClosestHit(out RaycastHit closestHit, out IGrabbableEvents grabbable, float dist, int layerMask, Grabbable target = null) { Grabbable grab; Vector3 palmForward = palmTransform.forward; Vector3 palmPosition = palmTransform.position; GameObject rayHitObject; Grabbable lastRayHitGrabbable = null; Ray ray = new Ray(); RaycastHit hit; Collider col; closestGrabs.Clear(); closestHits.Clear(); var checkSphereRadius = reachDistance * 1.35f; int overlapCount = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(palmPosition + palmForward * (checkSphereRadius * 0.9f), checkSphereRadius, handHighlightNonAlloc, layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide); for(int i = 0; i < overlapCount; i++) { col = handHighlightNonAlloc[i]; if(!(col is MeshCollider) || (col as MeshCollider).convex == true) { Vector3 closestPoint = col.ClosestPoint(palmTransform.transform.position); ray.direction = closestPoint - palmTransform.position; } else ray.direction = palmTransform.forward; ray.origin = palmTransform.transform.position; ray.origin = Vector3.MoveTowards(ray.origin,, 0.001f); var queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore; if(col.isTrigger) queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide; if(ray.direction != && Vector3.Angle(ray.direction, palmTransform.forward) < 100 && Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, checkSphereRadius*2, layerMask, queryTriggerInteraction)) { rayHitObject = hit.collider.gameObject; if(closestGrabs.Count > 0) lastRayHitGrabbable = closestGrabs[closestGrabs.Count - 1]; if(closestGrabs.Count > 0 && rayHitObject == lastRayHitGrabbable.gameObject) { if(target == null) { closestGrabs.Add(lastRayHitGrabbable); closestHits.Add(hit); } } else if(rayHitObject.HasGrabbable(out grab) && CanGrab(grab)) { if(target == null || target == grab) { closestGrabs.Add(grab); closestHits.Add(hit); } } } } int closestHitCount = closestHits.Count; if(closestHitCount > 0) { closestHit = closestHits[0]; grabbable = closestGrabs[0]; Vector3 dir =; if(grabbable is Grabbable) { for(int i = 0; i < closestHitCount; i++) { if(closestHits[i].distance / closestGrabs[i].grabPriorityWeight < closestHit.distance / (grabbable as Grabbable).grabPriorityWeight) { closestHit = closestHits[i]; grabbable = closestGrabs[i]; } dir += closestHits[i].point - palmTransform.position; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < closestHitCount; i++) { if(closestHits[i].distance / closestGrabs[i].grabPriorityWeight < closestHit.distance ) { closestHit = closestHits[i]; grabbable = closestGrabs[i]; } dir += closestHits[i].point - palmTransform.position; } } if(holdingObj == null && !IsGrabbing()) { if(handGrabPoint.parent != closestHit.transform) handGrabPoint.parent = closestHit.collider.transform; handGrabPoint.position = closestHit.point; handGrabPoint.up = closestHit.normal; } return dir / closestHitCount; } closestHit = new RaycastHit(); grabbable = null; return; } private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { var radius = reachDistance; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(palmTransform.position + palmTransform.forward * radius, radius); } public bool IsPosing() { return handPoseArea != null || (holdingObj != null && holdingObj.HasCustomPose()) || handAnimateRoutine != null; } float fingerSwayVel; /// Determines how the hand should look/move based on its flags public virtual void UpdateFingers(float deltaTime) { var averageVel =; for (int i = 1; i < updatePositionTracked.Length; i++) averageVel += updatePositionTracked[i] - updatePositionTracked[i - 1]; averageVel /= updatePositionTracked.Length; if(transform.parent != null) averageVel = (Quaternion.Inverse(palmTransform.rotation)*transform.parent.rotation)*averageVel; //Responsable for movement finger sway if (!grabbing && !disableIK && !IsPosing() && !holdingObj) { float vel = (averageVel*60).z; if (CollisionCount() > 0) vel = 0; fingerSwayVel = Mathf.MoveTowards(fingerSwayVel, vel, deltaTime * (Mathf.Abs((fingerSwayVel-vel) * 30f))); float grip = gripOffset + swayStrength * fingerSwayVel; currGrip = grip; foreach (var finger in fingers) { finger.UpdateFinger(grip); } } } public int CollisionCount() { if(holdingObj != null) return collisionTracker.collisionObjects.Count + holdingObj.CollisionCount(); return collisionTracker.collisionObjects.Count; } public void HandIgnoreCollider(Collider collider, bool ignore) { for(int i = 0; i < handColliders.Count; i++) Physics.IgnoreCollision(handColliders[i], collider, ignore); } public void SetLayerRecursive(Transform obj, int newLayer) { obj.gameObject.layer = newLayer; for(int i = 0; i < obj.childCount; i++) { SetLayerRecursive(obj.GetChild(i), newLayer); } } protected void SetHandCollidersRecursive(Transform obj) { handColliders.Clear(); AddHandCol(obj); void AddHandCol(Transform obj1) { foreach(var col in obj1.GetComponents()) handColliders.Add(col); for(int i = 0; i < obj1.childCount; i++) { AddHandCol(obj1.GetChild(i)); } } } /// Returns the current throw velocity public Vector3 ThrowVelocity() { return velocityTracker.ThrowVelocity(); } /// Returns the current throw angular velocity public Vector3 ThrowAngularVelocity() { return velocityTracker.ThrowAngularVelocity(); } /// Returns true during the time between when a grab starts and a hold begins public bool IsGrabbing() { return grabbing; } public bool IsHolding() { return holdingObj != null; } public static int GetHandsLayerMask() { return LayerMask.GetMask(Hand.rightHandLayerName, Hand.leftHandLayerName); } } }