using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Autohand { [System.Serializable] public struct HandPoseData{ public Vector3 handOffset; /// DEPRECATED -> USE LOCAL_QUATERNION_OFFSET INSTEAD public Vector3 rotationOffset; public Quaternion localQuaternionOffset; public Vector3[] posePositions; public Quaternion[] poseRotations; /// Creates a new pose using the current hand relative to a given grabbable public HandPoseData(Hand hand, Grabbable grabbable) { posePositions = new Vector3[0]; poseRotations = new Quaternion[0]; handOffset = new Vector3(); rotationOffset =; localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.identity; SavePose(hand, grabbable.transform); } /// Creates a new pose using the current hand relative to a given grabbable public HandPoseData(Hand hand, Transform point) { posePositions = new Vector3[0]; poseRotations = new Quaternion[0]; handOffset = new Vector3(); rotationOffset =; localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.identity; SavePose(hand, point); } /// Creates a new pose using the current hand shape public HandPoseData(Hand hand) { posePositions = new Vector3[0]; poseRotations = new Quaternion[0]; handOffset = new Vector3(); rotationOffset =; localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.identity; SavePose(hand, null); } /// Creates a new pose using the current hand shape public HandPoseData(HandPoseData data) { posePositions = new Vector3[data.posePositions.Length]; data.posePositions.CopyTo(posePositions, 0); poseRotations = new Quaternion[data.poseRotations.Length]; data.poseRotations.CopyTo(poseRotations, 0); handOffset = data.handOffset; rotationOffset = data.rotationOffset; localQuaternionOffset = data.localQuaternionOffset; } public void SavePose(Hand hand, Transform relativeTo) { var posePositionsList = new List(); var poseRotationsList = new List(); if(relativeTo != null){ var tempContainer = AutoHandExtensions.transformRuler; tempContainer.localScale = relativeTo.lossyScale; tempContainer.transform.position = relativeTo.position; tempContainer.transform.rotation = relativeTo.rotation; var handMatch = AutoHandExtensions.transformRulerChild; handMatch.transform.position = hand.transform.position; handMatch.transform.rotation = hand.transform.rotation; handOffset = handMatch.localPosition; localQuaternionOffset = handMatch.localRotation; #if UNITY_EDITOR if(Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(tempContainer.gameObject); #endif } else { handOffset = hand.transform.localPosition; localQuaternionOffset = hand.transform.localRotation; } rotationOffset =; foreach(var finger in hand.fingers) { AssignChildrenPose(finger.transform); } void AssignChildrenPose(Transform obj) { AddPoint(obj.localPosition, obj.localRotation); for(int j = 0; j < obj.childCount; j++) { AssignChildrenPose(obj.GetChild(j)); } } void AddPoint(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { posePositionsList.Add(pos); poseRotationsList.Add(rot); } posePositions = new Vector3[posePositionsList.Count]; poseRotations = new Quaternion[posePositionsList.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < posePositionsList.Count; i++) { posePositions[i] = posePositionsList[i]; poseRotations[i] = poseRotationsList[i]; } } public Quaternion GetRotationOffset(){ if (rotationOffset != localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.Euler(rotationOffset); return localQuaternionOffset; } public void SetPose(Hand hand, Transform relativeTo = null) { //This might prevent static poses from breaking from the update if(rotationOffset != localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.Euler(rotationOffset); if(relativeTo != null && relativeTo != hand.transform) { var tempContainer = AutoHandExtensions.transformRuler; tempContainer.localScale = relativeTo.lossyScale; tempContainer.position = relativeTo.position; tempContainer.rotation = relativeTo.rotation; var handMatch = AutoHandExtensions.transformRulerChild; handMatch.localPosition = handOffset; handMatch.localRotation = localQuaternionOffset; hand.transform.position = handMatch.position; hand.transform.rotation = handMatch.rotation; hand.body.position = hand.transform.position; hand.body.rotation = hand.transform.rotation; #if UNITY_EDITOR if(Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(tempContainer.gameObject); #endif } int i = -1; void AssignChildrenPose(Transform obj, HandPoseData pose) { i++; obj.localPosition = pose.posePositions[i]; obj.localRotation = pose.poseRotations[i]; for(int j = 0; j < obj.childCount; j++) { AssignChildrenPose(obj.GetChild(j), pose); } } if(posePositions != null) foreach(var finger in hand.fingers) AssignChildrenPose(finger.transform, this); } /// Sets the finger pose without changing the hands position public void SetFingerPose(Hand hand, Transform relativeTo = null) { int i = -1; void AssignChildrenPose(Transform obj, HandPoseData pose) { i++; obj.localPosition = pose.posePositions[i]; obj.localRotation = pose.poseRotations[i]; for(int j = 0; j < obj.childCount; j++) { AssignChildrenPose(obj.GetChild(j), pose); } } if(posePositions != null) foreach(var finger in hand.fingers) AssignChildrenPose(finger.transform, this); } /// Sets the position without setting the finger pose public void SetPosition(Hand hand, Transform relativeTo = null) { //This might prevent static poses from breaking from the update if(rotationOffset != localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.Euler(rotationOffset); if(relativeTo != null && relativeTo != hand.transform) { var tempContainer = AutoHandExtensions.transformRuler; tempContainer.localScale = relativeTo.lossyScale; tempContainer.position = relativeTo.position; tempContainer.rotation = relativeTo.rotation; var handMatch = AutoHandExtensions.transformRulerChild; handMatch.localPosition = handOffset; handMatch.localRotation = localQuaternionOffset; hand.transform.position = handMatch.position; hand.transform.rotation = handMatch.rotation; hand.body.position = hand.transform.position; hand.body.rotation = hand.transform.rotation; #if UNITY_EDITOR if(Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(tempContainer.gameObject); #endif } } public static HandPoseData LerpPose(HandPoseData from, HandPoseData to, float point) { var lerpPose = new HandPoseData(); lerpPose.handOffset = Vector3.Lerp(from.handOffset, to.handOffset, point); lerpPose.localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.Lerp(from.localQuaternionOffset, to.localQuaternionOffset, point); lerpPose.posePositions = new Vector3[from.posePositions.Length]; lerpPose.poseRotations = new Quaternion[from.poseRotations.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < from.posePositions.Length; i++) { lerpPose.posePositions[i] = Vector3.Lerp(from.posePositions[i], to.posePositions[i], point); lerpPose.poseRotations[i] = Quaternion.Lerp(from.poseRotations[i], to.poseRotations[i], point); } return lerpPose; } public static void LerpPose(ref HandPoseData lerpPose, HandPoseData from, HandPoseData to, float point) { lerpPose.handOffset = Vector3.Lerp(from.handOffset, to.handOffset, point); lerpPose.localQuaternionOffset = Quaternion.Lerp(from.localQuaternionOffset, to.localQuaternionOffset, point); lerpPose.posePositions = new Vector3[from.posePositions.Length]; lerpPose.poseRotations = new Quaternion[from.poseRotations.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < from.posePositions.Length; i++) { lerpPose.posePositions[i] = Vector3.Lerp(from.posePositions[i], to.posePositions[i], point); lerpPose.poseRotations[i] = Quaternion.Lerp(from.poseRotations[i], to.poseRotations[i], point); } } } }