using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Autohand { public class HandVelocityTracker { HandBase hand = null; float minThrowVelocity = 0f; /// A list of all acceleration values from the time the throwing motion was detected til now. protected List m_ThrowVelocityList = new List(); protected List m_ThrowAngleVelocityList = new List(); public void ClearThrow() { m_ThrowVelocityList.Clear(); m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Clear(); } float disableTime; float disableSeconds; public void Disable(float seconds) { disableTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; disableSeconds = seconds; ClearThrow(); } public HandVelocityTracker(HandBase hand) { this.hand = hand; } public void UpdateThrowing() { if(disableTime + disableSeconds > Time.realtimeSinceStartup) { if(m_ThrowVelocityList.Count > 0) { m_ThrowVelocityList.Clear(); m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Clear(); } return; } if(hand.holdingObj == null || hand.IsGrabbing()) { if(m_ThrowVelocityList.Count > 0) { m_ThrowVelocityList.Clear(); m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Clear(); } return; } // Add current hand velocity to throw velocity list. m_ThrowVelocityList.Add(new VelocityTimePair() { time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup, velocity = hand.holdingObj.body == null ? : hand.holdingObj.body.velocity }); // Remove old entries from m_ThrowVelocityList. for(int i = m_ThrowVelocityList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_ThrowVelocityList[i].time >= hand.throwVelocityExpireTime) { // Remove expired entry. m_ThrowVelocityList.RemoveAt(i); } } // Add current hand velocity to throw velocity list. m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Add(new VelocityTimePair() { time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup, velocity = hand.holdingObj.body == null ? : hand.holdingObj.body.angularVelocity }); // Remove old entries from m_ThrowVelocityList. for(int i = m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_ThrowAngleVelocityList[i].time >= hand.throwAngularVelocityExpireTime) { // Remove expired entry. m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.RemoveAt(i); } } } /// Returns the hands velocity times its strength public Vector3 ThrowVelocity() { if(hand.IsGrabbing() || hand.holdingObj == null) return; // Calculate the average hand velocity over the course of the throw. Vector3 averageVelocity =; if(m_ThrowVelocityList.Count > 0) { foreach(VelocityTimePair pair in m_ThrowVelocityList) { averageVelocity += pair.velocity; } averageVelocity /= m_ThrowVelocityList.Count; } var vel = averageVelocity * hand.holdingObj.throwPower; return vel.magnitude > minThrowVelocity ? vel :; } /// Returns the hands velocity times its strength public Vector3 ThrowAngularVelocity() { if(hand.IsGrabbing() || hand.holdingObj == null) return; // Calculate the average hand velocity over the course of the throw. Vector3 averageVelocity =; if(m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Count > 0) { foreach(VelocityTimePair pair in m_ThrowAngleVelocityList) { averageVelocity += pair.velocity; } averageVelocity /= m_ThrowAngleVelocityList.Count; } averageVelocity *= Mathf.Sqrt(hand.throwPower) / 2f; return averageVelocity.magnitude > minThrowVelocity ? averageVelocity :; ; } } }