using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Autohand{ [HelpURL("")] public class Teleporter : MonoBehaviour{ [Header("Teleport")] [Tooltip("The object to teleport")] public GameObject teleportObject; [Tooltip("Can be left empty - Used for if there is a container that should be teleported in addition to the main teleport object")] public Transform[] additionalTeleports; [Header("Aim Settings")] [Tooltip("The Object to Shoot the Beam From")] public Transform aimer; [Tooltip("Layers You Can Teleport On")] public LayerMask layer; [Tooltip("The Maximum Slope You Can Teleport On")] public float maxSurfaceAngle = 45; [Min(0)] public float distanceMultiplyer = 1; [Min(0)] public float curveStrength = 1; [Tooltip("Use Worldspace Must be True")] public LineRenderer line; [Tooltip("Maximum Length of The Teleport Line")] public int lineSegments = 50; [Header("Line Settings")] public Gradient canTeleportColor = new Gradient(){ colorKeys = new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(){ color =, time = 0 } } }; public Gradient cantTeleportColor = new Gradient(){ colorKeys = new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(){ color =, time = 0 } } }; [Tooltip("This gameobject will match the position of the teleport point when aiming")] public GameObject indicator; [Header("Unity Events")] public UnityEvent OnStartTeleport; public UnityEvent OnStopTeleport; public UnityEvent OnTeleport; Vector3[] lineArr; bool aiming; bool hitting; RaycastHit aimHit; HandTeleportGuard[] teleportGuards; AutoHandPlayer playerBody; private void Awake() { line.enabled = false; } private void Start() { playerBody = AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectOfType(); if (playerBody != null && playerBody.transform.gameObject == teleportObject) teleportObject = null; lineArr = new Vector3[lineSegments]; teleportGuards = AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectsOfType(); } void Update(){ if(aiming) CalculateTeleport(); else line.positionCount = 0; DrawIndicator(); } void CalculateTeleport() { line.colorGradient = cantTeleportColor; var lineList = new List(); int i; hitting = false; for(i = 0; i < lineSegments; i++) { var time = i/60f; lineArr[i] = aimer.transform.position; lineArr[i] += transform.forward*time*distanceMultiplyer*15; lineArr[i].y += curveStrength * (time - Mathf.Pow(9.8f*0.5f*time, 2)); lineList.Add(lineArr[i]); if(i != 0) { if(Physics.Raycast(lineArr[i-1], lineArr[i]-lineArr[i-1], out aimHit, Vector3.Distance(lineArr[i], lineArr[i-1]), ~Hand.GetHandsLayerMask(), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { //Makes sure the angle isnt too steep if(Vector3.Angle(aimHit.normal, Vector3.up) <= maxSurfaceAngle && layer == (layer | (1 << aimHit.collider.gameObject.layer))) { line.colorGradient = canTeleportColor; lineList.Add(aimHit.point); hitting = true; break; } break; } } } line.enabled = true; line.positionCount = i; line.SetPositions(lineArr); } void DrawIndicator(){ if(indicator != null){ if(hitting){ indicator.gameObject.SetActive(true); indicator.transform.position = aimHit.point; indicator.transform.up = aimHit.normal; } else indicator.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } public void StartTeleport(){ aiming = true; OnStartTeleport?.Invoke(); } public void CancelTeleport(){ line.positionCount = 0; line.enabled = false; hitting = false; aiming = false; OnStopTeleport?.Invoke(); } public void Teleport(){ Queue fromPos = new Queue(); foreach(var guard in teleportGuards) { if(guard.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) fromPos.Enqueue(guard.transform.position); } if(hitting) { if (teleportObject != null){ var diff = aimHit.point - teleportObject.transform.position; teleportObject.transform.position = aimHit.point; foreach (var teleport in additionalTeleports){ teleport.position += diff; } } playerBody?.SetPosition(aimHit.point); OnTeleport?.Invoke(); foreach(var guard in teleportGuards) { if(guard.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { guard.TeleportProtection(fromPos.Dequeue(), guard.transform.position); } } } CancelTeleport(); } } }