using NaughtyAttributes; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Autohand.Demo{ [HelpURL("")] public class Smash : MonoBehaviour{ [Header("Smash Options")] [Tooltip("Required velocity magnitude from Smasher to smash")] public float smashForce = 1; [Tooltip("Whether or not to destroy this object on smash")] public bool destroyOnSmash = false; [Tooltip("Whether or not to release this object on smash")] [HideIf("destroyOnSmash")] public bool releaseOnSmash = false; [Header("Particle Effect")] [Tooltip("Plays this effect on smash")] public ParticleSystem effect; [Tooltip("Whether or not to instantiates a new a particle system on smash")] public bool createNewEffect = true; [Tooltip("Whether or not to apply rigidbody velocity to particle velocity on smash")] public bool applyVelocityOnSmash = true; [Header("Sound Options")] public AudioClip smashSound; public float smashVolume = 1f; [Header("Event")] public UnityEvent OnSmash; //Progammer Events <3 public SmashEvent OnSmashEvent; internal Grabbable grabbable; public void Start() { if(!(grabbable = GetComponent())){ GrabbableChild grabChild; if(grabChild = GetComponent()) grabbable = grabChild.grabParent; } OnSmashEvent += (smasher, smashable) => { OnSmash?.Invoke(); }; } public void DelayedSmash(float delay) { Invoke("DoSmash", delay); } public void DoSmash() { DoSmash(null); } public void DoSmash(Smasher smash){ if(effect){ ParticleSystem particles; if(createNewEffect) particles = Instantiate(effect, grabbable.transform.position, grabbable.transform.rotation); else particles = effect; particles.transform.parent = null; particles.Play(); Rigidbody rb; if(applyVelocityOnSmash && ((rb = grabbable.body) || gameObject.CanGetComponent(out rb))){ ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule module = particles.velocityOverLifetime; module.x = rb.velocity.x; module.y = rb.velocity.y; module.z = rb.velocity.z; } } //Play the audio sound if(smashSound) AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(smashSound, transform.position, smashVolume); OnSmashEvent?.Invoke(smash, this); if((destroyOnSmash || releaseOnSmash) && grabbable) grabbable.ForceHandsRelease(); if(destroyOnSmash) Destroy(gameObject); } } }