using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace Autohand { [Serializable] public class UnityCanvasPointerEvent : UnityEvent { } [HelpURL("")] public class HandCanvasPointer : MonoBehaviour { [Header("References")] public GameObject hitPointMarker; private LineRenderer lineRenderer; [Header("Ray settings")] public float raycastLength = 8.0f; public bool autoShowTarget = true; public LayerMask UILayer; [Header("Events")] public UnityCanvasPointerEvent StartSelect; public UnityCanvasPointerEvent StopSelect; public UnityCanvasPointerEvent StartPoint; public UnityCanvasPointerEvent StopPoint; public GameObject _currTarget; public GameObject currTarget { get { return _currTarget; } } public RaycastHit lastHit { get; private set; } // Internal variables private bool hover = false; AutoInputModule inputModule = null; float lineSegements = 10f; static Camera cam = null; public static Camera UICamera { get { if (cam == null) { cam = new GameObject("Camera Canvas Pointer (I AM CREATED AT RUNTIME FOR UI CANVAS INTERACTION, I AM NOT RENDERING ANYTHING, I AM NOT CREATING ADDITIONAL OVERHEAD)").AddComponent(); cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing; cam.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.None; cam.orthographic = true; cam.orthographicSize = 0.001f; cam.cullingMask = 0; cam.nearClipPlane = 0.01f; cam.depth = 0f; cam.allowHDR = false; cam.enabled = false; cam.fieldOfView = 0.00001f; cam.transform.parent = AutoHandExtensions.transformParent; #if (UNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER) var canvases = AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectsOfType(true); #else var canvases = FindObjectsOfType(); #endif foreach (var canvas in canvases) if (canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.WorldSpace) canvas.worldCamera = cam; } return cam; } } int pointerIndex; void OnEnable() { lineRenderer.positionCount = (int)lineSegements; if (inputModule.Instance != null) pointerIndex = inputModule.Instance.AddPointer(this); ShowRay(false); } void OnDisable() { if(inputModule) inputModule.Instance?.RemovePointer(this); } public void SetIndex(int index) { pointerIndex = index; } internal void Preprocess() { UICamera.transform.position = transform.position; UICamera.transform.forward = transform.forward; } public void Press() { // Handle the UI events if(inputModule) inputModule.ProcessPress(pointerIndex); // Show the ray when they attemp to press if (!autoShowTarget && hover) ShowRay(true); if (lastHit.collider != null) { // Fire the Unity event StartSelect?.Invoke(lastHit.point, lastHit.transform.gameObject); } else { PointerEventData data = inputModule.GetData(pointerIndex); float targetLength = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance == 0 ? raycastLength : data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance; StartSelect?.Invoke(transform.position + (transform.forward * targetLength), null); } } public void Release() { // Handle the UI events if(inputModule) inputModule.ProcessRelease(pointerIndex); if (lastHit.collider != null) { // Fire the Unity event StopSelect?.Invoke(lastHit.point, lastHit.transform.gameObject); } else { PointerEventData data = inputModule.GetData(pointerIndex); float targetLength = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance == 0 ? raycastLength : data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance; StopSelect?.Invoke(transform.position + (transform.forward * targetLength), null); } } private void Awake() { if (lineRenderer == null) gameObject.CanGetComponent(out lineRenderer); if (inputModule == null) { if (gameObject.CanGetComponent(out var inputMod)) { inputModule = inputMod; } else if (!(inputModule = AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectOfType())) { EventSystem system = AutoHandExtensions.CanFindObjectOfType(); if(system == null) { system = new GameObject().AddComponent(); = "UI Input Event System"; } inputModule = system.gameObject.AddComponent(); inputModule.transform.parent = AutoHandExtensions.transformParent; } } } private void Update() { UpdateLine(); } private void UpdateLine() { PointerEventData data = inputModule.GetData(pointerIndex); float targetLength = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance == 0 ? raycastLength : data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance; if (targetLength > 0) _currTarget = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject; else _currTarget = null; if (data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance != 0 && !hover) { lastHit = CreateRaycast(targetLength); Vector3 endPosition = transform.position + (transform.forward * targetLength); if (lastHit.collider) endPosition = lastHit.point; if (lastHit.collider != null) StartPoint?.Invoke(lastHit.point, lastHit.transform.gameObject); else StartPoint?.Invoke(endPosition, null); // Show the ray if autoShowTarget is on when they enter the canvas if (autoShowTarget) ShowRay(true); hover = true; } else if (data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance == 0 && hover) { lastHit = CreateRaycast(targetLength); Vector3 endPosition = transform.position + (transform.forward * targetLength); if (lastHit.collider) endPosition = lastHit.point; if (lastHit.collider != null) StopPoint?.Invoke(lastHit.point, lastHit.transform.gameObject); else StopPoint?.Invoke(endPosition, null); // Hide the ray when they leave the canvas ShowRay(false); hover = false; } if(hover) { lastHit = CreateRaycast(targetLength); Vector3 endPosition = transform.position + (transform.forward * targetLength); if(lastHit.collider) endPosition = lastHit.point; //Handle the hitmarker hitPointMarker.transform.position = endPosition; hitPointMarker.transform.forward = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldNormal; if(lastHit.collider) { hitPointMarker.transform.forward = lastHit.collider.transform.forward; hitPointMarker.transform.position = endPosition + hitPointMarker.transform.forward * 0.002f; } //Handle the line renderer for(int i = 0; i < lineSegements; i++) { lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, endPosition, i/ lineSegements)); } } } private RaycastHit CreateRaycast(float dist) { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward); Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, dist, UILayer); return hit; } private void ShowRay(bool show) { hitPointMarker.SetActive(show); lineRenderer.enabled = show; } } }