You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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48 KiB

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text: 'BodyTilt.cs is a FBBIK effector position offset modifier (like Inertia,
Recoil and others that extend OffsetModifier.cs). It means that it works by adding
to the positionOffset value of the effectors each frame. Effector position and
positionWeight override positionOffset so you can use BodyTilt, and still be
free to pin the hands or use the Interaction System whenever you need. Another
advantage of that design is that you are also able to use multiple offset modifiers
simultaneously, the position offsets will work additively.
The offset poses
for tilting left and right can be found on "OffsetPose Tilt Left" and "OffsetPose
Tilt Right". They are easily modified in play mode - you can copy their values,
stop play mode and paste back to the component in the Editor.'
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to see how it works
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