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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
namespace RootMotion.FinalIK {
* Custom inspector and scene view tools for IKSolverLeg
* */
public class IKSolverLegInspector: IKSolverInspector {
#region Public methods
* Draws the custom inspector for IKSolverTrigonometric
* */
public static void AddInspector(SerializedProperty prop, bool editHierarchy, bool showReferences) {
EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
// Bone references
if (showReferences) {
AddObjectReference(prop.FindPropertyRelative("pelvis.transform"), new GUIContent("Pelvis", "The pelvis (hips)."), editHierarchy, 100);
AddObjectReference(prop.FindPropertyRelative("thigh.transform"), new GUIContent("Thigh", "The upper leg."), editHierarchy, 100);
AddObjectReference(prop.FindPropertyRelative("calf.transform"), new GUIContent("Calf", "The lower leg."), editHierarchy, 100);
AddObjectReference(prop.FindPropertyRelative("foot.transform"), new GUIContent("Foot", "The ankle."), editHierarchy, 100);
AddObjectReference(prop.FindPropertyRelative("toe.transform"), new GUIContent("Toe", "The first toe bone."), editHierarchy, 100);
// Foot/Toe
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative(""), new GUIContent("Target", "The target Transform. Solver IKPosition will be automatically set to the position of the target."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("IKPositionWeight"), new GUIContent("Position Weight", "Solver weight for smooth blending."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("IKRotationWeight"), new GUIContent("Rotation Weight", "Weight of last bone's rotation to IKRotation."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("heelOffset"), new GUIContent("Heel Offset", "Offset of the heel in world space."));
// Bending
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("leg.bendGoal"), new GUIContent("Bend Goal", "If assigned, the knee will be bent in the direction towards this transform."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("leg.bendGoalWeight"), new GUIContent("Bend Goal Weight", "Weight of the bend goal."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("leg.swivelOffset"), new GUIContent("Swivel Offset", "Angular offset of the leg's bending direction."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("leg.bendToTargetWeight"), new GUIContent("Bend To Target Weight", "If 0, the bend plane will be locked to the rotation of the pelvis and rotating the foot will have no effect on the knee direction. If 1, to the target rotation of the leg so that the knee will bend towards the forward axis of the foot. Values in between will be slerped between the two."));
// Stretching
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("leg.legLengthMlp"), new GUIContent("Leg Length Mlp", "Use this to make the leg shorter/longer."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("leg.stretchCurve"), new GUIContent("Stretch Curve", "Evaluates stretching of the leg by target distance relative to leg length. Value at time 1 represents stretching amount at the point where distance to the target is equal to leg length. Value at time 1 represents stretching amount at the point where distance to the target is double the leg length. Value represents the amount of stretching. Linear stretching would be achieved with a linear curve going up by 45 degrees. Increase the range of stretching by moving the last key up and right at the same amount. Smoothing in the curve can help reduce knee snapping (start stretching the arm slightly before target distance reaches leg length)."));
* Draws the scene view helpers for IKSolverTrigonometric
* */
public static void AddScene(IKSolverLeg solver, Color color, bool modifiable) {
if (Application.isPlaying && !solver.initiated) return;
if (!Application.isPlaying && !solver.IsValid()) return;
//float length = Vector3.Distance(solver.bone1.transform.position, solver.bone2.transform.position) + Vector3.Distance(solver.bone2.transform.position, solver.bone3.transform.position);
//float size = length * 0.05f;
Handles.color = color;
GUI.color = color;
// Chain lines
Handles.DrawLine(solver.pelvis.transform.position, solver.thigh.transform.position);
Handles.DrawLine(solver.thigh.transform.position, solver.calf.transform.position);
Handles.DrawLine(solver.calf.transform.position, solver.foot.transform.position);
Handles.DrawLine(solver.foot.transform.position, solver.toe.transform.position);
// Joints
Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.pelvis.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.pelvis.transform.position));
Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.thigh.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.thigh.transform.position));
Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.calf.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.calf.transform.position));
Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.foot.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.foot.transform.position));
Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.toe.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.toe.transform.position));
if (Application.isPlaying && (solver.IKPositionWeight > 0 || solver.IKRotationWeight > 0)) {
if (modifiable) {
Inspector.CubeCap(0, solver.IKPosition, solver.IKRotation, GetHandleSize(solver.IKPosition));
// Manipulating position and rotation
switch(Tools.current) {
case Tool.Move:
if ( == null) solver.IKPosition = Handles.PositionHandle(solver.IKPosition, Quaternion.identity);
case Tool.Rotate:
if ( == null) solver.IKRotation = Handles.RotationHandle(solver.IKRotation, solver.IKPosition);
// Target
Handles.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * Mathf.Max(solver.IKPositionWeight, solver.IKRotationWeight));
Handles.DrawLine(solver.toe.transform.position, solver.IKPosition);
Handles.color = Color.white;
GUI.color = Color.white;
#endregion Public methods