You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
516 lines
18 KiB
516 lines
18 KiB
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100004: Eye_Right
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100008: Bip001 R Toe01
100010: Bip001 L Hand
100012: Bip001 HeadNub
100014: Bip001 Head
100016: Bip001 Neck
100018: Bip001 Spine3
100020: Bip001 Spine2
100022: Bip001 Spine1
100024: Bip001 Spine
100026: Bip001 Pelvis
100028: Bip001
100030: Bip001 R Toe0Nub
100032: Bip001 L Toe0Nub
100034: Bip001 R Finger0Nub
100036: Bip001 R Finger0
100038: Bip001 R Forearm
100040: Bip001 R UpperArm
100042: Bip001 R Clavicle
100044: Bip001 L Finger0Nub
100046: Bip001 L Finger0
100048: Bip001 L Forearm
100050: Bip001 L UpperArm
100052: Bip001 L Clavicle
100054: Bip001 Footsteps
100056: Bip001 R Toe0
100058: Bip001 R Foot
100060: Bip001 R Calf
100062: Bip001 R Thigh
100064: Bip001 R Hand
100066: Bip001 L Toe02
100068: Bip001 L Toe01
100070: Bip001 L Toe0
100072: Bip001 L Foot
100074: Bip001 L Calf
100076: Bip001 L Thigh
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400006: Teddy_Body
400008: Bip001 R Toe01
400010: Bip001 L Hand
400012: Bip001 HeadNub
400014: Bip001 Head
400016: Bip001 Neck
400018: Bip001 Spine3
400020: Bip001 Spine2
400022: Bip001 Spine1
400024: Bip001 Spine
400026: Bip001 Pelvis
400028: Bip001
400030: Bip001 R Toe0Nub
400032: Bip001 L Toe0Nub
400034: Bip001 R Finger0Nub
400036: Bip001 R Finger0
400038: Bip001 R Forearm
400040: Bip001 R UpperArm
400042: Bip001 R Clavicle
400044: Bip001 L Finger0Nub
400046: Bip001 L Finger0
400048: Bip001 L Forearm
400050: Bip001 L UpperArm
400052: Bip001 L Clavicle
400054: Bip001 Footsteps
400056: Bip001 R Toe0
400058: Bip001 R Foot
400060: Bip001 R Calf
400062: Bip001 R Thigh
400064: Bip001 R Hand
400066: Bip001 L Toe02
400068: Bip001 L Toe01
400070: Bip001 L Toe0
400072: Bip001 L Foot
400074: Bip001 L Calf
400076: Bip001 L Thigh
400078: Bip001 R Toe02
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4300004: Eye_Left
7400000: Take 001
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and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip001 Spine2' is inbetween
humanoid transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip001
Spine3' is inbetween humanoid transforms and has rotation animation that will
be discarded.\n\t'Bip001 L Thigh' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'Bip001
R Thigh' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n"
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length: 0.24291016
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length: 0.5225299
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value: {x: 0.4180239, y: 0, z: 0.20901196}
length: 0.52253
modified: 1
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length: 0.21419449
modified: 1
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length: 0.2141945
modified: 1
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rotation: {x: -0.49999928, y: 0.50000066, z: 0.49999934, w: 0.5000006}
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scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.9999999}
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position: {x: -0.16002218, y: 0.2059415, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.000000015454308, y: 0.000000015454308, z: -0.70710677, w: 0.70710677}
scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
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position: {x: -0.012028112, y: -5.5879353e-11, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 1.6970272e-30, y: -9.553414e-16, z: 1.7763568e-15, w: 0.99999994}
scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
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position: {x: -0.01202817, y: 5.5879353e-11, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 1.6970272e-30, y: -9.553414e-16, z: 1.7763568e-15, w: 0.99999994}
scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
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rotation: {x: -9.553414e-16, y: -1.7555248e-30, z: 0.99999994, w: -1.837589e-15}
scale: {x: -0.99999994, y: -1, z: -0.99999994}
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scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
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position: {x: -0.21419457, y: 0.000000046764406, z: -0.00000009771302}
rotation: {x: -0.000000014081813, y: -0.00000010134153, z: -0.04997919, w: 0.9987502}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 0.9999999, z: 1.0000001}
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scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
- name: Bip001 R Toe01
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scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
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scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1, z: 0.99999994}
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rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.99999994}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 1.0000001}
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position: {x: -0.06014108, y: 0.000048036793, z: 0.000000018619303}
rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.99999994}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
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rotation: {x: -4.1174653e-20, y: -3.3881316e-21, z: -1.39505e-40, w: 0.99999994}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994}
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position: {x: -0.0000005926979, y: 0.00004781155, z: 0.028065694}
rotation: {x: -0.7071067, y: -0.0000010079085, z: 0.70710677, w: 0.0000009308461}
scale: {x: 1.0000002, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000002}
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position: {x: -0.3770735, y: 0.000000016324798, z: -0.00000014168522}
rotation: {x: 0.04994834, y: -0.035097815, z: -0.0017563011, w: 0.9981333}
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scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000002}
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position: {x: -0.24056344, y: 0.000000057880914, z: -0.00000013604689}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999976, z: 0.99999976}
- name: Bip001 L Finger0
position: {x: -0.10023451, y: 0, z: -0.000000028610229}
rotation: {x: -0.00039815897, y: 9.3132235e-10, z: 3.708144e-13, w: 0.9999999}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000001, z: 1.0000001}
- name: Bip001 L Finger0Nub
position: {x: -0.025058612, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -9.3132246e-10, y: 0.0000000032596288, z: -0.00000001490116, w: 0.99999994}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: Bip001 R Clavicle
position: {x: -0.00000059604645, y: 0.00004796546, z: -0.028065693}
rotation: {x: 0.70710677, y: -0.0000009308463, z: 0.70710677, w: -0.0000010079086}
scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 1, z: 1.0000001}
- name: Bip001 R UpperArm
position: {x: -0.37707347, y: 0.000000034519346, z: -0.000000118961374}
rotation: {x: 0.049948324, y: -0.03509696, z: 0.0017562816, w: -0.99813336}
scale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.9999998, z: 1.0000001}
- name: Bip001 R Forearm
position: {x: -0.2839234, y: 0.0000000135757015, z: 0.00000017776325}
rotation: {x: 0.0022524865, y: -0.022451233, z: 0.036260325, w: 0.9990876}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001}
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position: {x: -0.24056341, y: -0.0000000890806, z: 0.00000038706867}
rotation: {x: -0.70682514, y: -0.00000000865519, z: -0.000000002475044, w: -0.7073882}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.9999998}
- name: Bip001 R Finger0
position: {x: -0.10023459, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0.00039815714, y: 0.0000000027998999, z: 0.000000014900045, w: 0.9999999}
scale: {x: 1.0000001, y: 1.0000001, z: 0.99999994}
- name: Bip001 R Finger0Nub
position: {x: -0.02505867, y: 0, z: 0}
rotation: {x: -0.0000000065192567, y: -0.0000000018626449, z: 0.99999994, w: 0.0000000149011585}
scale: {x: -1.0000001, y: -1, z: -1}
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